
Massage is the manipulation of soft tissue, effecting a change in the surrounding tissue and structures of the body. Our bodies and posture are held in balance by the muscular system. If one or more of your muscles becomes too tight or slack this stresses the whole body which often is only apparent when you attempt to do something or move in a certain way.
What happens in a treatment session? An initial assessment is carried out to learn a little about you, why you are seeking massage, understand any ailments you may have, outcomes you are seeking and to confirm there are no contraindications that prevent the massage commencing.
Massage is very relaxing: it is quite common for recipients to fall asleep. After the treatment, you must take care rising from the massage couch. Generally 5 minutes is allowed for you to sit up, then ideally you should drink some water to assist the continuing flushing of the toxins from your body.
How long are treatments? Actual treatment time for a full body massage lasts 1 hour.
How often should massage be given? Massage can be given weekly or fortnightly if addressing specific issues, then when this is under control, session frequency may gradually extend out to a ‘maintenance’ mode, where clients may receive a treatment monthly, 6 or 8 weekly.
Why have Massage? Trauma to the body – physical and psychological – is stored in the muscles (muscles hold memories of all that occurs to us, for example when learning a musical instrument, patterns learnt are stored in the muscles). Massage has a direct effect on relieving all these issues. With regular massage, the releasing of muscular tension can be achieved, leaving clients feeling relaxed and muscles loosened. In some instances, on releasing muscular tension, clients can experience an emotional release, as deep-seated muscle memories of trauma are released and the client is able to ‘let go’ of the trauma. Massage benefits all systems in the body.