Maxine Muses on the theme of “Exam Woes”

I want to share how you can use ESR to help keep the stress levels in check while preparing for, and doing exams.

Exam Woes — Using Emotional Stress Release to help!

ESR is a great technique we use in Touch for Health Kinesiology to help clients release stress associated with past, present and future events. Examples of future events are exams and job interviews. When we’re stressed, let’s face it, we don’t/can’t think straight – not a great way to be going into an exam situation! Here, I want to share how you can use ESR to help keep the stress levels in check while preparing for, and doing exams.

When you do ESR for something like an exam, firstly think about the exam, and notice your reactions: what are you thinking, what’s going on in your body (any tightness, butterflies, et cetera), what feelings do you have? If you notice you’re feeling stressed, then feel free to watch the video to learn the technique, try it out and see if it helps!

Here are some pointers if the event is an exam….
1. Imagine the exam in as much detail as you can: include things like what you’re wearing, going to the exam, what the room is like.
2. Also bring in how you want to be feeling as you do the exam – try to really imagine being confident and calm as you work through the questions.
3. Try to use all your senses to make the whole thing as vivid and real as possible: what you can see, what you can hear et cetera.
4. Run through this in your mind slowly, then run over it again (maybe a few times) more quickly, until you feel abit of a ‘shift’ in your reactions.
5. When you’re ready, take your hands away, and check back in with yourself while thinking about the exam: do you feel any different?
If you have any questions, please get in touch!

Good luck!!