Food Testing

Maxine Muses on the theme of “We are what we eat (and drink)”

We are what we eat (and drink)!

If you are eating/drinking things that do not ‘agree’ with you, then you’ll know about it: it can show up in a variety of ways.

These can include low energy (feeling tired a lot), or you might be experiencing things like digestive issues, mood swings, brain fog, the list goes on, and on… Now there can be other contributing factors for sure, but don’t overlook the fact that food/drink may certainly be playing a part here!!

If you think food might be contributing to how you are feeling physically or emotionally, keeping a food diary is a great start! For a few weeks, try noting down what you eat, the time you eat it, and how you feel in the hour or so afterwards. You might start to see a pattern emerging after you eat specific things, that might mean that the food type is triggering certain reactions for you. You can then experiment by eliminating that food for a time and seeing if there is any improvement in your well-being and the symptoms you experience.

And if you’d like to investigate this further, kinesiology is a great way to help identify foods and drinks that are decreasing your energy (and those that are not!). Kinesiologists use muscle-testing to gauge how you are responding energetically to a food type, drink, even supplements you may be taking! If you’d like to know more, please get in touch!