Pendulum Therapeutics

Pendulum Therapeutics – a gentle but powerful way to release energies…
This approach to energy healing uses a pendulum and specific charts to identify, and then clear ‘limiting’ energies and increase positive/beneficial energies, while the recipient remains in a relaxed state.
It is suitable for anyone, particularly for:
– People who don’t like to be touched.
– Dealing with past trauma(s) WITHOUT having to re-live the event/time in your life.
– In-person, zoom, and distance sessions. (I always provide feedback: the charts used, and the energies released/increased, and an opportunity to discuss the session experience.)
What areas can pendulum therapeutics help with?
Pendulum therapeutics can be used to help with pretty much any situation you would like to improve, such as:
– Physical issues, like pain and lack of energy.
– Dealing with past, present and future events that are causing you stress or discomfort.
– Balancing other energy systems, such as the Meridians and/or Chakras, either specifically, or as part of a wider balance.
– Relationship issues.
Are there any side effects?
Whilst the approach is gentle, it IS powerful, so you may feel a little tired afterwards. This is because you need to allow your body to adjust to the energy shifts you have made, which may take a day or two.
It’s advised to drink water regularly, and to make sure you allow yourself time to rest, to help the process.
I don’t like being touched – is pendulum therapeutics ‘contact-less’?
Yes it is!! Sessions, whether in-person, via zoom or by distance in your absence, are all contact-less.
How does it work?
The pendulum moves in response to subtle changes in the central nervous system. It’s not magic! And you don’t need to ‘understand’ it fully for it to work, you just need to be open-minded to the approach and process.
How many sessions do I need?
It is entirely up to you – the treatment is dependent on the individual and the issue. We are all different in how we react/deal with issues, and indeed issues are multi-layered. When we are addressing issues, in whatever approach we are using, we will do so in different ways, and at different paces – there is certainly no right or wrong on this! It can take a few sessions – each time releasing possibly different energies, as
the layers of the issue are let go – to reach the improvement desired.
How long does a session last?
Sessions are typically 60 – 90 minutes in length.
I’m having counselling, but I’ve gotten to a point where I’m kind of ‘stuck’ and not making much progress. Could some pendulum therapeutics sessions help?
Pendulum therapeutics takes a different approach, and may be able to help to identify and release the energies contributing to those ‘blocks’ you are experiencing, and so help you start progressing with your counselling again.
Can it help me identify and release negative thought patterns?
Thoughts – whether they are positive or negative are energetic vibrations, which in turn impact how we are feeling emotionally and physically. In sessions, specific charts can help find out if negative thoughts are impacting your situation, and identify the specific thought(s). These can then be released, and helpful, positive thoughts can then be identified and increased to help you move forward.
Is this ‘just’ for dealing with issues?
Absolutely not! Some people like sessions to keep their well-being in check and energies high.
Can pendulum therapeutics help with relationship issues? There are a number of ways this approach can help here:
– Identify and release the impact of negative childhood factors you experienced in your early years, that may contribute to your thought and behaviour patterns now, and indeed the relationships you attract.
– Help identify and release unhelpful thought patterns and behaviours that play out in your relationships.
– Identify and release ‘triggers’ for unhealthy interactions in your relationships.
– Help identify and clear ill-feelings and thoughts that may be lingering after a relationship breakup, or a breakdown in communication.
Can my animal benefit?
Yes, they can!! I have successfully worked with horses who have experienced trauma, which was impacting their training and rehabilitation. After these sessions these horses have progressed very successfully with their training. I have also worked with a canine client to help him prepare for a future stressful event -with feedback that he was completely unfazed when the event occurred!
All of these sessions were done by distance. In my experience, particularly with horses it’s often difficult to find ‘quiet’ time on busy yards to do energy work, and so distance sessions are ideal, and can be scheduled for later in the day, when yards are quiet, but perhaps it’s too late to visit in person.
I’m not sure if pendulum therapeutics is for me, can we have a chat?
Absolutely! I offer a 15 – 20 minute complimentary consultation via zoom, to enable you to meet me, and to answer any questions you may have, to help you decide. Please text me on 07748852289 to arrange a suitable time.